Thursday, September 25, 2008

Roberto Botticelli . . .

Many people may know about the fine craftsmanship of Italian shoes, and some may not. Well, if you don't then I think you should really pay attention to this blog. I would like to introduce you to Roberto Botticelli which is an Italian shoe brand that has been around for many years. Botticelli is not just a brand, but a family of great artist that turned their ideas into masterpieces by handcrafting each piece. Well, guess what? You do not have to go to Milan, Italy to buy a pair of their signature python skins, that are incorporated into their collections. Drum roll please . . . thank you, thank you, I am proud to say that Roberto Botticelli has a store in none other then Phoenix, Arizona WHICH MAKES IT THE ONLY STORE IN THE USA thanks to my great friends Kevin, and Sherry.

I know many of you are thinking why Phoenix? well, actually believe it or not Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, so the money is out here and I know that everyone in their life time has been to Phoenix, AZ before. So definitely on your next trip to Phoenix, Arizona make Roberto Botticelli a must do! on your to do list when shopping! Oh! and may I need to say, when you wear Botticelli on your feet you are wearing luxury. Botticelli is not just a shoe collection, but they also have accessories like, purses, belts, flasks, and scarfs just to name a few, oh yeah for you golfers! they do have a golf collection.

So checkout their online store and spread the word! Also checkout the store located at Biltmore Fashion Park 2502 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016

p.s. wearing Botticelli is perfect for catching people eyes!


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